LGBT community has issues at the front line — what women complain about

Veteran Kateryna Pop. Photo: Novyny.LIVE

Girls, who belong to the LGBT community, complain that they have a hard time at the front line with men who do not consider them as equals, and they are not considered as veterans in civilian life who fought and were injured. And active servicemen confirm that discrimination and inequality of rights between men and women are still felt in war.

Novyny.LIVE spoke about this with a veteran, soldier of the 112th Separate Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Kateryna Pop.

LGBT at the front line

"In any case, a woman is different from a man. If we are guided by legislation, which is a little bit outdated, we have only one law on equal rights and opportunities that regulates the service of women and men," Pop said.

At the event dedicated to the reform of veterans' policy, the topic was about girls of the LGBT community who were not accepted by their comrades at the front line, and by civilians now. They say that they have no place in the army, and you can't call them veterans.

Ukraine wants to draw on the experience of the United States in similar issues in order to equalize the rights of women and men, as well as to work out veterans' policy.

Veteran Kateryna Pop. Photo: Novyny.LIVE

"There was a story that it was difficult for girls from the LGBT community, especially after injuries and wounds. They really went through the combat zone and deservedly received a veteran certificate. It depends on the command and the people. It is harder for women to adapt to the team," Kateryna Pop added.

Let us remind you that, despite the war, LGBT parades were held in Ukraine. One of these took place in Kharkiv. At that time, the former commander of "Azov" stated that holding LGBT events during a full-scale war is unacceptable. It is especially inappropriate to hold them in Kharkiv, which is constantly under enemy attacks.

We previously wrote that in Lviv, a bisexual serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine filed a lawsuit with the court to cancel the appeal of the Lviv Regional Council regarding the failure to adopt the law "On the Institute of Registered Partnerships."